
BP65: Prayers for Healing, Miracles, Consecration, and Divine Enablement

  Holy Trinity… In Your power, kill the devilish diseases within me; heal the wounds, injuries, and traumas I’ve sustained; dissolve or eliminate that which doesn’t belong; and raise to life or recreate that which is dead, damaged, or missing—or just asleep—but shouldn’t be. Heal my heart-mind, body, and personhood miraculously. Do that or show me how to do so myself. Either way, I’ll be eternally grateful to You and for You. O God… There’s residual hurt in my soul from the traumas I’ve suffered throughout my life. My reactive personas—which I created (on-the-fly and very early in life) to protect me from harm and to enable me to go on living, and which now are (and have been) working at full-bore to “secure,” in any way possible, my emotional happiness—are killing me. Accordingly, let’s work together… 1/To (when necessary) dismantle or to (when possible) heal and assimilate healthily and healthfully all such constructs. And… 2/To heal me of the emotional, physical, and psycho-physi

BP 64 - A Snippet from the Prayers I Pray "As I Lay Me Down to Sleep"

1Co 14:1… The Apostle Paul writing: "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire the gifts of The Spirit, especially prophecy." -- "As I Lay Me Down to Sleep..." Holy, Glorious, and Gracious Father…As I lay me down to sleep, I ask (in obedience to You [Note: In October 2012, I was told by God prophetically to ask specifically for the things and no-things (life-giving expressions, generative creations) I mention below.]) for the following attributes, attitudes, conditions, qualities, and outcomes: 12/The Pentecostal gifts of faith; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing; the working of miracles; praying in the spirit [tongues]; speaking in prophetic tongues [Note: The uttering of prophetic tongues must always include an interpretation. Without a Spirit-inspired interpretation, such an utterance would be inordinate.]; the prophetic sharing of messages—including dreams and visions—inspired by You; the discerning of spirits, sources, intentions, movements, ga

BP 63: Honoring the Holy Spirit in Prayer

  Provided below is a way in which I honor the Holy Spirit in prayer.  This is apart of my praying through the hallowed be Thy Name portion of The Our Father Prayer: -- Holy Spirit… The Breath of I AM and The Unquenchable Fire of the Almighty… As The Eternal Third Person of The Trinity, I want to honor You and who You are. You, O My Counselor and Advocate, are NOT “A Divine After-thought, Catch-all, or Drop-cloth.” NO! Not only are You My Moment-to-moment Companion, Comforter, and Teacher, but You’re also The Indwelling Presence, Authority, and Power of The Trinity Living within Me. You, O God, are The Eternal One… He Who Makes Me to Be and Become (ever-increasingly and—as an essential part of who I am—as Your Eternal-imager, -lover, -imitator, -prisoner, -slave-saint, -partner, -friend, and -follower)… 1/Holiness; humility; and purity-, Nobleness-, Wholeness-, Fullness-, and Revelliousness-of-heart-mind. 2/The Consummate, Tender-hearted Warrior. 3/The Extermination of Fear. 4/The

BP 62 - To Live and Breathe

O Holy Trinity… I want to live and breathe Your holiness; humility; and purity-, nobleness-, wholeness-, fullness-, and revelliousness-of-heart-mind all the days of my existence (both in “this current Earth-life” and in “the world and glorious, lingering life to come”). In The Name of Jesus, The Lamb of God and Savior of the World, The Lion of Judah, The Supreme Master of Forces, and The Eternal Lord of War and God of Angel Armies, I ask for and declare all these things and no-things... Amen, and AMEN!! O Living, Illuminating, and Loving God… MAY IT ALL BE SO!!

BP61 - Seeking Transcendence

From time to time, life seeks transcendence—the self-actualized progression from one state of being to a higher one. Differing from the transformation of condition (for example, the easing of one's hunger pangs by eating) or the transformation of circumstances (for example, getting a new job or moving to a new city), transcendence is a transformation of being. And transcendence—the transformation of being—always begins with the desire for it. I ask you: Is transcendence something you desire? If so—good!! For that means it's nearly upon you, for such desire is intended to let you and all creation know what's getting ready to happen. In Ro 8:19, Paul writes that all creation groans in agony as it awaits eagerly the revealing of the sons of God. You, my friend, are a Son [or Daughter ] of God ; as such, all creation is waiting in anticipation for you to manifest that which you are already in the seed that is you. In Ps 23:6, we read, "surely goodness and mercy shall foll

BP 60 - A Psalm of Everlasting Gratefulness

O Holy Trinity… THANK YOU for going ahead of me and for surrounding and being with me as I slept last night… THANK YOU for coming for me, at me, and after me in my dreams… THANK YOU for bringing me rest...   And… THANK YOU, too, for waking me up this morning. I’m so very grateful for the gifts of life, light, and love, which You’ve given me and continue to do so—continually and continuously, without end. I’m so very grateful, too, for the gifts of glory, goodness, and gladness, which You’ve manifested within me and continue to do so—also continually and continuously, without end. And, further, I’m so very grateful for the gift of this brand-new day. Enable me, O Living, Illuminating, and Loving God, to rest in You, Your healing Works, Your unfailing love, and Your loving faithfulness; and enable me, too, O Living, Illuminating, and Loving God, to let You love me in all the ways in which YOU want… and in all the ways in which only YOU can. -- Selah [from calah; suspension (of music),

BP 59 - Great Leaders

Great Leaders... 1/Live congruently (in accordance with their conscious values). 2/Do their work and inspire others to do theirs. 3/Use accountability systems (including positive peer pressure) to help them and those they lead stay on the straight and narrow. 4/Maintain a laudable work-life balance. 5/Own everything in their lives. They take full responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, actions, words, and outcomes; confess their faults; acknowledge their limitations; blame no one or anything; and make no excuses—none/zero. 6/Remain calm and communicative during adversity. 7/Gain influence by building relationships. 8/Take deep, respectful interest in those they work with, teach, and lead. They “see” others as unique individuals who have unique and specific needs, wants, perspectives, interests, passions, callings, and dreams. In many ways (and within reason, of course), they treat others the way those people want to be treated. Nifty Slogan: Do unto others as they would have y