
BP 72 - Get Your Black Belt

  I tell folks all the time: "Get your black belt in 'something,' and then start exploring other arts." Every martial art (MA) has it's gaps. What are the gaps in yours? Once you get your black belt in one MA, you've graduated kindergarten. Now it's time to start exploring and filling the gaps. You do this, by enrolling in another kindergarten program... And then another... And then another... The cool thing is that you never really move beyond kindergarten. You just keep enrolling in one kindergarten program after another. A true master is really just someone who's repeated kindergarten more than anyone else. Here are the kindergarten programs I've gone through and am still enrolled in (some as an intentional repeat): In the below kindergarten programs... By "fluid (that is, within the arenas of 'fluid')," I mean that I've gotten my black belt (or what might be the equivalent of a black belt). Most of these disciplines...

BP71 - Aging

  What is human aging? The passing of time, during which a person gets chronologically older?   Sure.   But it’s much more than that. Personally, I don't care that much about my chronological age.  What matters to me are... 1/M y biological age. 2/My emotional age. 3/My cognitive age. And.. 4/My sagely age. In my life, I want to be biologically vibrant.  Emotionally, I want to be both young and old (that is, I want to be A Childlike Old Soul ).  Cognitively, I want to be vibrant, adaptable, malleable, and incredibly teachable.  In my sagely senses, I want, like in my emotional self, to be both young and old.   The factors that lead to the aging in the areas I care about most are many.  Here are the principal twelve factors I focus on daily.  I encourage you to focus on these things similarly... but in your own unique, awesome, and revellious way! Here you go... 1/Loss of fluids. 2/Loss of muscle mass. 3/Loss of bone mass. 4/Los...

BP70 - As Think upon and Respond to the Words of Those Around Me

Jesus to me (as I think upon and respond to the words of those around me): “Dave… Those who are full of talk and themselves know nothing; Those Who Are Wise speak very little, and then only cautiously, candidly, frankly, humbly, respectfully, and reverently of the little they do know, being careful to hint at The Source of Their Wisdom. Live out The Gospel, Dave, kind-heartedly, happily, and freely; and do so far more often than you ever talk about it. It’s hard to ignore a kind-hearted, happy, and free person. A life lived in such a way will communicate volumes and quell—through stillness and tender-heartedness—the accusing and slandering voices of the entrapped, injured, and crippled; the explosively enraged; the arrogantly hateful; the inordinately driven; the deceitfully harsh; and the painstakingly ignorant.”

BP69 - A Life of Threes (Live Out in Praise to God)

It's been said, human beings can, typically, survive for only… 1/Thee seconds [see Note below] when attacked or mauled by a wild predator (such as a lion, bear, moose, boar, or wolf). Note: These times are not absolute (as everyone is different). These times are intended to represent only general, order-of-magnitude, time-frames. 2A/Three hours (without treatment) if bitten or attacked by a poisonous snake, insect, or arachnid. 2A/Three hours (in harsh weather conditions [see Note below]) without suitable shelter. Note: Cold and wet conditions tend to be harsher on human survivability than hot and dry conditions. More people die (or die quicker) each year from hypothermia (being chilled too much for too long) than hyperthermia (being warmed too much for too long). 3/Three minutes without air. 4/Three days without water. 5A/Three weeks without food. 5B/Three weeks without sleep. 6/Three years without friendship and companionship. - Most Holy God… You’re My Hiding Place, My Prote...

BP 68 - Take Extreme Ownership of and for Every Aspect and Arena of Your Life

Jesus to Me: “ Dave … I want you to own everything in your life: This includes your thoughts, feelings, wise choices, poor choices, selfless actions, self-centered actions, inactions, words spoken, words unspoken, good deeds done, good deeds not done, bad deeds done, and bad deeds (of taking revenge, etc.) done only in your imagination. I want you, too, to take complete ownership of your life-outcomes. By that, I mean, take ownership for and of everything that’s ever happened to you—especially those things you label as being ‘bad’ or ‘evil.’”

BP 67 - Theoria

While the practices of theoria (or contemplation) can take on a variety of nuanced forms in Christendom, they most often fall into one of two camps of contemplative practice: Camp 1: The pursuit of vision (that is, a vision of God). Camp 2: The pursuit of sanctification (that is, transformation in Christ). In the east [the Eastern Orthodox Church, etc.] the practices of theoria (or contemplation) are fueled mostly by one’s desire to see God (that is, to experience an intimate vision of Him). The contemplative practices in this approach most often entail the traversing of a progressive path of Divine illumination, like that laid out in The Ladder of Divine Ascent, an ascetical treatise written in the 7th century by St. John Climacus, an Egyptian monk. Here in the west, the practices of theoria focus more on the pursuits of biblical sanctification, wherein the one contemplating (or experiencing) God through worship and Scripture-immersion becomes more and more set apart (and made pure...

BP66 - My Loved One

J esus to Me: “Dave… You can’t rightly call yourself M-my Loved One [M-my Beloved] if you don’t live as I live. And you can’t rightly live as I live without M-me. I am, in totality, The I AM of Your Life and Being. There’s no one beside M-me.” S criptures: “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I AM God, and there’s no other; I AM God, and there’s none like Me.”  —Is 46:9 Jesus speaking: “If you love M-me, you’ll keep M-my Commands.”  —Jn 14:15 Jesus speaking: “I AM The Vine; you are The Branches. If you remain in M-me and I in you, you’ll bear much fruit; apart from M-me you can do nothing. —Jn 15:5 The fallen nature was crucified with Y-you, Jesus. It was annihilated forever and for all times, spaces, and places. Accordingly, it is no longer I (the fallen I, because he [or she] was nailed to the cross and died with Y-you) who lives but Y-you who lives and expresses Y-yourself for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously unveiled) AS me… AS me!!  —Ga 2...