BP66 - My Loved One

Jesus to Me: “Dave… You can’t rightly call yourself M-my Loved One [M-my Beloved] if you don’t live as I live. And you can’t rightly live as I live without M-me. I am, in totality, The I AM of Your Life and Being. There’s no one beside M-me.”


“Remember the former things, those of long ago; I AM God, and there’s no other; I AM God, and there’s none like Me.”  —Is 46:9

Jesus speaking: “If you love M-me, you’ll keep M-my Commands.”  —Jn 14:15

Jesus speaking: “I AM The Vine; you are The Branches. If you remain in M-me and I in you, you’ll bear much fruit; apart from M-me you can do nothing. —Jn 15:5

The fallen nature was crucified with Y-you, Jesus. It was annihilated forever and for all times, spaces, and places. Accordingly, it is no longer I (the fallen I, because he [or she] was nailed to the cross and died with Y-you) who lives but Y-you who lives and expresses Y-yourself for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously unveiled) AS me… AS me!!  —Ga 2:20 [expanded, personalized rendering]

We know that we’ve come to know Jesus if we keep H-his Commands. Whoever says, “I know H-him,” but doesn’t do what H-he Commands is a liar, and The Truth is NOT in that one. But… if anyone does obey Jesus’ Word, the love FOR God and the love OF God have truly been made complete in him [or her]. This is how we know that we’re in God: For whoever claims to live IN JESUS must live JUST AS JESUS LIVED. That one, of necessity (that is, as A NECESSARY PROOF), must live JUST AS JESUS LIVED and MUST CONSENT TO and COMMIT TO living out his life just as Jesus desires to live for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously unveiled) AS him. Yes! AS him!  —1Jn 2:3-6 [expanded rendering]

“I AM The Alpha and The Omega,” says The Lord God (that is, Jesus), “Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, The Almighty.”  —Re 1:8


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