BP9: On Being and Becoming (ever-increasingly) a More Integrated Human Being - Part Three
[Insert picture of a really well-made bed] Greetings, friends... This is Part Three of--and the conclusion to--the small blog series I began two weeks ago. From Part Two (last week)... Our health and healing as people are dependent upon BOTH God and us. God is our healer; the body God gave us is also our healer; and, further, we, through our lifestyle choices are our healer. To be healed requires us to partner with God in our healing. If we're not feeling well, there's always a reason. Always. The body God gave us is designed to move toward healing. Except when it dies, the body is always moving toward health, healing, and the preservation and bolstering of life. Always. The problem is that we, through our lifestyle choices, hinder our body's God-given ability to move toward healing and the preservation and bolstering of life. We cause ourselves harm by (1) engaging in unhealthy things (things we DON'T need) and (2) by not engaging in healthy things (...