BP 31 Faith, a Meditation...

What is faith? Faith is the yielding—the Trinity-breathed, Trinity-ordained yielding—of oneself to God in and through the organic (that is, the naturally supernatural or supernaturally natural) consent of one’s absolute belief. The soul drive of faith is to breed “Divine Heartfulness (that is, a very-present oneness [ see below ] of heart and mind) with God.” And… once such oneness is realized [ apprehended ], faith then becomes the ineffable [ largely indescribable and inexpressible ], ongoing P erson-to- p erson experience of He in whom one previously believed but does so no longer because The Object of One’s Previous Belief (that is, God Almighty, The Trinity) is now known and loved intimately… and with a certainty that shatteringly-bursts open what existed previously in one’s heart as little more than just “a hunch.” Once one truly knows and loves—or, rather, once one knows and experiences himself [ or herself ] to be known and loved by—The One Who Knows (that is, The Eternal ...