
Showing posts from February, 2025

BP 72 - Get Your Black Belt

  I tell folks all the time: "Get your black belt in 'something,' and then start exploring other arts." Every martial art (MA) has it's gaps. What are the gaps in yours? Once you get your black belt in one MA, you've graduated kindergarten. Now it's time to start exploring and filling the gaps. You do this, by enrolling in another kindergarten program... And then another... And then another... The cool thing is that you never really move beyond kindergarten. You just keep enrolling in one kindergarten program after another. A true master is really just someone who's repeated kindergarten more than anyone else. Here are the kindergarten programs I've gone through and am still enrolled in (some as an intentional repeat): In the below kindergarten programs... By "fluid (that is, within the arenas of 'fluid')," I mean that I've gotten my black belt (or what might be the equivalent of a black belt). Most of these disciplines...

BP71 - Aging

  What is human aging? The passing of time, during which a person gets chronologically older?   Sure.   But it’s much more than that. Personally, I don't care that much about my chronological age.  What matters to me are... 1/M y biological age. 2/My emotional age. 3/My cognitive age. And.. 4/My sagely age. In my life, I want to be biologically vibrant.  Emotionally, I want to be both young and old (that is, I want to be A Childlike Old Soul ).  Cognitively, I want to be vibrant, adaptable, malleable, and incredibly teachable.  In my sagely senses, I want, like in my emotional self, to be both young and old.   The factors that lead to the aging in the areas I care about most are many.  Here are the principal twelve factors I focus on daily.  I encourage you to focus on these things similarly... but in your own unique, awesome, and revellious way! Here you go... 1/Loss of fluids. 2/Loss of muscle mass. 3/Loss of bone mass. 4/Los...