PE6: The Practice of Intercessorial Listening

As I've stated and written before...

For many of us, prayer can feel intimidating.  Especially when we start talking about lofty prayer concepts like intercession, supplication, and prayer and fasting.

Intercession:  Entreaty in favor of another, especially and prayer or petition to God on behalf of another.
Supplication:  Personal petition (usually for oneself); earnest or humble request.
Prayer and Fasting:  Prayer is life shared with God.  Fasting involves abstaining from engaging in or consuming something.  While most fasting centers on food, it can also include abstaining from electronics, media, a particular action, or something else (of your choice).  The act of combining prayer with fasting creates a space in your life and allows you to focus and deepen your communion with God.

I’d like to invite you to approach intercession in a way that may feel a little different from the ways in which you’ve approached it previously.  I want to invite you to listen intently to the people around you--especially to your family and friends.

AND… as you’re listening to them, to do your best to, very intentionally, focus in on what they're wanting and hoping for.

AND… as you’re able to “see and hear” what those around you are wanting and hoping for, to invite your heart to want and hope--for those you’ve been listening to--to have the exact things they say they’re wanting and hoping for.

AND… as you’re doing this, to offer those wants and hopes to God.

I call this whole progressive practice “Intercessorial--or Priestly--Listening.”

Intercessory prayer doesn’t have to be formal, long, or spruced up with religious sounding words.  It can be--as, I believe, preferred by God--as simple as: “Jesus, I so want SJ to have exactly what I see and hear he’s wanting and hoping for.”

That’s it, my friends!  That’s intercessory prayer… intercessorial listening… priestly listening… just three seconds of intentional heart-focus based in your love for someone you're taking the time to truly listen to.  Such prayers are so very precious and pleasing to our Savior... to the O-one who wants so much for each one of us.


Today's MRL Maxim:  Listening to someone is one of the loudest forms of kindness you can offer that one.


Today's MRL Call-to-action:  For the next seven days, go and be such a prayerful listener to (and for) all the people around you, especially your family and friends.


So... there you go, friends.  Go, and think upon these things.  Do the work, and BE revellious.

Until next time…

We (and that includes you and me!!)...

Are the few... the proud... THE REVELLIOUS.

Dave out…



Beyond being an imager, lover, imitator, and follower of Jesus Christ, Dave Brown is nothing more than a contemplative artist of life in desperate need of His Master:  The Triune God.  His greatest desire is to experience loving and Divine intimacy with God Almighty (the Trinity).  After that, it’s to walk before Them—in and with great holiness, humility, and revelliousness of heart—all the days of his life.  To meet his needs, Dave works as an ecological engineer, inventor, writer, life- and business-coach, and personal trainer (in mixed martial arts, holistic life-discipline, and meditative prayer).  If you’re interested in engaging with Dave in conversation or through personal one-on-one training in living revelliously, you can connect with him through and The Revellious Podcast.  If you’re interested in his engineering and inventiveness sides, please visit his other website here.


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