BP22: Cultural Touch-me-nots (aka, Immutable Truths)
Hello friends... What's provided below is a partial list of truths that our current (and predominant) western culture will not acknowledge as being true. In fact, our culture will do whatever "it" can to silence those who espouse such truths (or, if you're among them, "lies and absurdities"). I plan to talk about all these (and more) at some point on The Revellious podcast. Will it get me into trouble? Probably. Okay... here's a partial list of immutable truths that have become cultural touch-me-nots in our day. [Immutable: Not subject or susceptible to change; not mutable; unchangeable; unalterable.] -- God is. By Self-definition, He is Existence. God is also loving. And, also by Self-definition, He is Lovingkindness. The truth is always the truth, and lies are always lies--irrespective of the frame of reference. In this current earth-life, one out of one people die (and will die). At the judgement, every person will have to give an account for the l...