BP21: A Daily Prayer for Our Day

Hello, friends...

We live in very difficult and uncertain times. As a friend of mine recently said to me, "Dave... it's becoming harder and harder to be a human in our day."

Like you, I look at what's going on in the world around me, and I feel perplexed; and, at times, I feel confused, scared, and angry.

Recently, as Jesus and I were talking about these things, I felt H-him urge me to compile a daily prayer to help me turn repeatedly to H-him.  That prayer is provided below.  I call it, "A Daily Prayer for Our Day."

Best of days to you...



"A Daily Prayer for Our Day"

O Holy Trinity…

With all my heart…

I want to be faithful to You—with lion- and gazelle-like intensity. HELP ME, Lord, to be this.

I want to walk before You in holiness, humility, and purity-, nobleness-, wholeness-, fullness-, and revelliousness-of-heart all the days of my existence—both in “this current Earth-life” and in “the world and glorious, lingering life to come.” HELP ME, Lord, to do all this.

I want to respond to every person—especially difficult and challenging people—with toughness, kindness, happiness, openness, and genuineness; and I want to respond to every situation—especially difficult and challenging ones—with toughness, clear-headedness, happiness, wholeheartedness, and enthusiasm. HELP ME, Lord, to respond in such ways.


I want all my human energies to be channeled ordinately and supernaturally by You. ENABLE ME, O God, to partner with You to make such a way of being a reality in my life. May I run everything (as examples... the work I want to do, the training I want to pursue, and even the prayers I want to pray) by You before I act.  And.. MAY I DO EXACTLY the things and no-things I feel You guiding me to do.


Today's MRL Maxim:  Prayer is like breathing; I need it, and I can almost not help but do it.

Today's MRL Call-to-action:  Pray the above prayer every day for the next seven days.  And (if you feel inclined)... take the text and rewrite it for you.


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