BP23 Life and Work
Work here in the west is, typically, so different from what I’ve witnessed (and experienced directly) in other cultures. It was through my exposure to some of those cultures, as well as those many times when I went up north to live with the monks, that I discovered how much I wanted to simplify my life, take my time at things, and work (for money) a lot less. I still work on a lot of things, but most of them are personal projects, and I take precious time with them. I’ve discovered that the less I own, the less I’m owned by things. Even the things I do “own,” I treat more like books I’ve borrowed from the library: They’re not mine, and they have a fast-approaching expiration (or due) date. The fast-approaching expiration date doesn’t mean I need to try to cram in as much enjoyment of them as I can. To me, it means “They’re not mine, and it’s my responsibility to return them to Their Owner in pristine shape soon.”
Presently, I devote most of my time to enjoying the moment; being outdoors; engaging in specific and non-specific (that is, spontaneous) times of prayer, meditation, and intercession; creating a written and spoken structure to my life (I call it “mind-brain/body-setting”); eating really, really healthy, largely plant-based, organic food; moving healthily and nutritiously; creating personal works; seeking to awaken and empty myself (of what God’s emptied into me and into my heart [The Eden of My Soul]) into those around me (especially, those who come to train with me); and (ESPECIALLY) being with those (and that which) I love and care about—including God, me, those around me, and even nature. It makes for a very full life, and, except for the money needed to purchase food, every activity and endeavor in the above devotions costs me little to nothing but time. But even then, the time that passes feels far more invested (and enjoyed!) then spent, if you get my meaning.
I hope to live to be very old and wise someday: To, like those in the blue areas of the world (that is, the Abkhazian, Hunza, Okinawan, and Vilcabamba peoples, etc.), find myself among both The Ancient Ones and The Awakened Ones. I also want to find myself among The Unoffendable Ones, The Suffering Ones (that is, those who, in their training, voluntarily embrace and subject themselves to times of deep suffering and uncomfortableness), and The Vulnerable Ones (that is, those who choose to live lives of nearly absolute vulnerability). Of course, I’ll be at the very back of the class—below and behind everybody else—but that will be my joy. One of my written dreams in life is as follows: “I dream… of being a nobody.” Another is this: “I dream… of playing at life and, at a healthy and vibrant 104, being the oldest 11-year-old still bounding the face of the planet.”
Presently, I devote most of my time to enjoying the moment; being outdoors; engaging in specific and non-specific (that is, spontaneous) times of prayer, meditation, and intercession; creating a written and spoken structure to my life (I call it “mind-brain/body-setting”); eating really, really healthy, largely plant-based, organic food; moving healthily and nutritiously; creating personal works; seeking to awaken and empty myself (of what God’s emptied into me and into my heart [The Eden of My Soul]) into those around me (especially, those who come to train with me); and (ESPECIALLY) being with those (and that which) I love and care about—including God, me, those around me, and even nature. It makes for a very full life, and, except for the money needed to purchase food, every activity and endeavor in the above devotions costs me little to nothing but time. But even then, the time that passes feels far more invested (and enjoyed!) then spent, if you get my meaning.
I hope to live to be very old and wise someday: To, like those in the blue areas of the world (that is, the Abkhazian, Hunza, Okinawan, and Vilcabamba peoples, etc.), find myself among both The Ancient Ones and The Awakened Ones. I also want to find myself among The Unoffendable Ones, The Suffering Ones (that is, those who, in their training, voluntarily embrace and subject themselves to times of deep suffering and uncomfortableness), and The Vulnerable Ones (that is, those who choose to live lives of nearly absolute vulnerability). Of course, I’ll be at the very back of the class—below and behind everybody else—but that will be my joy. One of my written dreams in life is as follows: “I dream… of being a nobody.” Another is this: “I dream… of playing at life and, at a healthy and vibrant 104, being the oldest 11-year-old still bounding the face of the planet.”
MRL Maxim: It is infinitely better to have just one handful with tranquility (that is, with peace and true rest) than two with toil and chasing after the wind [see Ec 4:6].
MRL Call-to-action: Ask Jesus the following question, and then write down what H-he tells you: Jesus... how could I begin to simplify my life and reduce the amount of hours I need to work to make ends meet?
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