BP24: Assume the Worst (Martial Arts Post)

When under attack, assume your assailant means either to end your life (and the lives of those around you) or to cause you (and those around you) great harm. Assume he's heavily armed with multiple weapons (knives, a gun, fists, feet, knees, etc.); and assume, too, he intends to use them all if necessary.

When engaging with such a one (if you can't run away), don't go for his weapons. Go instead for his mind by attacking ruthlessly a vulnerable target (or multiple vulnerable targets) in his anatomy. This will disrupt his "diseased" plans and short-circuit his cognitive abilities to regroup and improvise. This is all about being present, paying attention to what's happening in the moment, and not fixating on any one thing (like, say, his left-handed grab to the collar of your jacket while he, unbeknownst to you, thrusts a knife into your side).

Again… assume your assailant means to cause you great bodily harm; and assume, too, (1) He’s well-armed, (2) He intends to use what he has (Why else, then, would he have brought such items with him if not to aid him in getting from you what he wants?), and (3) He’s lethally experienced in their use.

Train to face just such an assailant; this will keep you from going through the motions in your training. Someday, it just might save your life or the life of someone you care about.


MRL Maxim:  “The more thou sweatest in training, the less thou bleedest in combat” (Dick Marcinko, Former U.S. Navy SEAL).

MRL Call-to-action:  Take up running (or, at least, walking quickly). In nature, the first thing prey does (when it realizes it's being prayed upon) is run.


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