BP27: A Prayer for Wholeness in My Environment

Lord Jesus Christ…

Nearly everything around me has become polluted and been made toxic—literally. The air I breathe; the water I drink; the food I eat; and the environments in which I live, move, breathe, and experience my personhood [beingness] have all been affected deleteriously. I pray, O God, for Y-your protection. Help me to do my utmost to practice the most effective habits of health and well-being I can imagine, research, and implement. Give me wisdom, common sense, and discernment—and increased gumption!—to do and partake of only that which is good for me. In those arenas over which I have limited (or, even, zero) control, I ask Y-you for Y-your supernatural mercy, compassion, healing, protection, and intervention. Before I take a breath, please filter, cleanse, and enliven the air I breathe. As I live and move in the sunlight, please restore it to that which, once again, heals, nourishes, energizes, and strengthens me. Before I eat or drink anything, please bolster the good that’s still there, add what I need that’s missing from it, and eliminate from it those things that could harm me. May everything I ingest be for me just as Y-you intended it to be at original creation. Accordingly, may my food be real, true, whole, and pure food; may my water be real, true, whole, and pure water; and… may the sunlight I live in and the air I breathe be exactly and precisely as Y-you created them to be. Further, may all the electro-magnetic fields and radiation levels in my living environments be exactly and precisely as Y-you created them (and still want them) to be. Thank Y-you [always in the past tense], Jesus, for doing all these things and all these no-things [life-giving expressions, generative creations] for me and in advance of me. And thank Y-you [again, always in the past tense], too, for doing all this for all those I love and care about (which includes not just my family, friends, and brothers and sisters in the faith but also everyone and every creature in existence).


MRL Maxim:  God loves to do for us those things we can't do for ourselves.

MRL Cal-to-action:  This week, do your utmost to practice the most effective habits of health and well-being you can imagine, research, and implement. 


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