Podcast Episode 9: Who Am I to You?

Greetings, friends, and welcome to The Revellious Podcast.  Dave here...

Today will be my very personal take on my identity as A Jesus-imager, -lover, -imitator, and -follower.

Recently, I asked God (as I've done many times), "Who am I to Y-you?"  This is what I heard...


From the Father (My Papa!):  “Dave… You are My Beloved Son.. My Boy... and I’m so very proud of you!”

From the S-son (Jesus!):  “Dave… Not only are you M-my Baby Brother and Intimate Friend, but you’re also A Kindred Spirit.  Further, you're M-my Fierce Lover and Eternal, Wedded-like Companion.  Just as a good and loving husband loves, cares for, leads into rest, protects, and provides for his wife, so, too, do I (and will I) love you, care for you, lead you into rest, protect you, and provide for you.”

From the Holy Spirit (the Breath of I AM!):  “Dave… The above Words are not just poetry.  I’ve made them--and am making them--AN EVER-PRESENT REALITY in your heart and life.  Let this REALITY chase away ALL your fears and eliminate and heal you of all your desolations of unrest--especially those of orphanism, alienation, and widowhood.  My Friend… In you, I see My Reflection staring back out at Me.  I see also... a Mature Son of the Father; a Lovely Bride (even though you're male) for the S-son; the End of Fear; Goodness, Selflessness, Joyful Presence, Everlasting Gratefulness, and the Unfolding of Perfect Lovingkindness Incarnate; and a Beautiful, Flourishing Garden, overflowing with exquisite sights and delectable delights."

And then (as if the above were not enough already!), I heard Jesus just empty from H-his Heart more of these things into me:


"You... are A Created One... My Created One.  You are also a Creative One.  And while your creative capacities are just slightly below Ours (that is, the Trinity's), our capacities are, paradoxically, infinitely above and beyond yours.  It will be so much fun to watch as your creativity begins to far exceed that which you used to dream about with your Earth-mind. 

"You... are He Who's Known Thoroughly By Me.  Above and beyond that, you are He Who Experiences M-me as the O-one Who Knows You Thoroughly

"You... are He Who's Loved Through and Through By Me.  Above and beyond that, you are He Who Experiences M-me as the O-one Who Loves You Through and Through.

"You... are He Who's Breathed and Uttered into Enduring Vitality By Me.  Above and beyond that, you are He Who Experiences M-me as the O-one Who Breathes and Utters You into Enduring Vitality

"You... are A Needy One... so beautifully and vulnerably sheathed together in contingency.

"You... are M-me Living for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously) as YouAS you!!  Never forget that.

"Your heart, Dear Friend, is the Eden of Your Soul, in which, I, the Sapiential Forest of Life, live and thrive.

"You... M-my Dear Friend... are just that:  M-my Dear Friend... and Companion... and Confidant.

"You... are M-my Baby Brother.  I have so much fun having you in M-my Life.  I cannot tell you enough of the absolute joy I derive from being a part of your life and watching you as you grow up.

"You... are M-my Fierce Lover... My Eternal, Wedded-like Companion.

"You... are My Partner in Missional-vocation... in Missional-reformation.

"You... are Papa's Son, and you get to partake of everything our Papa has for us.

"You... are an Integral Part of all I'm doing.  You're neither a burden nor a nuisance (even though the enemy would like to convince you otherwise).  Not only are you not a burden, but you're a wanted and welcomed part of M-my Kingdom and Family.  You're not just a slave in your Papa's House.  Immersed in His Praising Community, you're A Son and An Honored Member of the Very Household Itself.  The desert is your home, and the word-song, Alleluia, is your heartsong.  It is the song of your repatriation.  It's mine, too!  Come, and sing it with M-me.  Come and immerse yourself in Me-already-lovingly-and-eternally-immersed-in-you.

"You... are An Immortal One.  Death does not exist in you because it can't.  Your life is M-me in love with you giving M-myself away to you--continually and continuously, without end.  Because M-my love for you never ends, and because I never stop giving M-myself away to you, only life, light, and love exists in you.  Congruently, death does not exist in you because it can't.  This is because I'm always there... with you... and in you... and for you... and AS YOU.  I will never leave you.  Even when your current physical body falls asleep, I won't even leave that part of you.  I will stay with every part of the physical part of you not just as it dissolves but long after it dissolves into minerals.  I will remain with the dissolved parts until I reconstitute them at the Resurrection and add your body back to you, in an eternally glorified, and no longer corrupted or corruptible, state.  I'm really looking forward to that Day, Dave.  O what a Day that Day will be!


These are the Words of the Trinity to me.  I think most--if not all--apply to you, too!  

Thanks be to God!


Today's MRL Maxim:  Where Jesus is, death cannot exist.


Today's MRL Call-to-action:  This is a repeat of a previous episode's Call-to-action.  I'm repeating it because I think it's that important.  Ask Jesus the following line of questioning and then listen (with a pen and journal in hand) to what H-he says (and please, please, PLEASE... write down what H-he says to you--even if it makes you feel uncomfortable--ESPECIALLY if it makes you feel uncomfortable):  "Jesus... Who am I to Y-you?" 


So... there you go, friends.  Go, and think upon these things.  Do the work, and BE revellious.

Until next time…

We (and that includes you and me!!)...

Are the few... the proud... THE REVELLIOUS.

Dave out…


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