BP12: Intercessorial Listening

[Insert a picture here of two friends talking]  

For many of us, prayer can feel intimidating. Especially when we start talking about lofty prayer concepts like intercession, supplication, and prayer and fasting.

I’d like to invite you to approach intercession in a way that may feel a little different from the ways in which you’ve approached it previously. I want to invite you to just listen to the people around you—especially to your family and friends.

And… as you’re listening, to do your best to focus in intently on what the people around you are wanting and hoping for.

And… as you’re able to “see and hear” what those around you are wanting and hoping for, to allow your heart to want and hope for them the exact same things they say they’re wanting and hoping for.

And… as you’re doing this, to offer those wants and hopes to God.

I call this “Intercessorial (or priestly) Listening.”

Intercessory prayer doesn’t have to be formal, long, or spruced up with religious sounding words. It can, as preferred by God, be as simple as: “Jesus, I so want SJ to have exactly what I see and hear he’s hoping for.” And that’s it, my friends! That’s intercessory prayer… that’s Intercessorial Listening… just three seconds of intentional heart-focus. Such prayers are so very precious and pleasing to our Savior… to the One who wants so much for us all.

Peace to you...



Today's MRL Maxim: "Intercessory prayer doesn’t have to be formal, long, or spruced up with religious sounding words. It can, as preferred by God, be as simple as: 'Jesus, I so want SJ to have exactly what I see and hear he’s hoping for.'”


Today's MRL Call-to-action: This week, practice intercessorial listening with as many people as you can. In the beginning, you will have to remind yourself to do it. In time, though, this practice may begin to flow more naturally as you listen to the people around you and begin to "feel" what they feel and "want" what they want.


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