BP50 - No
The older I get the more “No” I say.
These days, I say “No” to a lot of really good things. I do that, so I can say “Yes” to great things.
This is the overarching philosophy behind true minimalism. A minimalist is NOT just someone who lives with less. A true minimalist is one who embodies an intentional purpose behind living with less. For me, as a minimalist, I’m constantly looking for opportunities and ways to quell from my life those things and no-things that don’t matter much to me so I can pursue those things and no-things that do matter much. In a way, I’m a maximalist. I’ve minimized engaging in those things and no-things I don’t care about, so I can maximize engaging in those things and no-things I truly love and that make me come alive as a person.
Learn to say “No.” It will bring life and meaning not just to your “Yeses” but, ultimately, to your life and personhood.
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