BP 59 - Great Leaders
Great Leaders...
1/Live congruently (in accordance with their conscious values).
2/Do their work and inspire others to do theirs.
3/Use accountability systems (including positive peer pressure) to help them and those they lead stay on the straight and narrow.
4/Maintain a laudable work-life balance.
5/Own everything in their lives. They take full responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, actions, words, and outcomes; confess their faults; acknowledge their limitations; blame no one or anything; and make no excuses—none/zero.
6/Remain calm and communicative during adversity.
7/Gain influence by building relationships.
8/Take deep, respectful interest in those they work with, teach, and lead. They “see” others as unique individuals who have unique and specific needs, wants, perspectives, interests, passions, callings, and dreams. In many ways (and within reason, of course), they treat others the way those people want to be treated.
Nifty Slogan: Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.
9/Look for ways to help others get what they want, get what makes their hearts sing, get what makes them come alive, get what they have to have, get what makes them genuinely happy to be alive: and that is, to experience self-transcendence, to think differently and push beyond their current limits of thought and practice, to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Great leaders are consciously transformational.
Two great examples of consciously transformational organizations: A/The U.S. Marines; and 2/AA (Alcoholics Anonymous).
10/Help others believe that getting what they want is no longer just possible, but a foregone conclusion.
Great Leaders, who are also Christ-followers, do all the above along with at least one more thing, which is really the most important of all: They constantly turn again and again and again to The Father, and as they turn to Him and return to Him, they bring those they love along with them. THAT is the true definition of a true leader.
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