
Showing posts from September, 2024

BP66 - My Loved One

J esus to Me: “Dave… You can’t rightly call yourself M-my Loved One [M-my Beloved] if you don’t live as I live. And you can’t rightly live as I live without M-me. I am, in totality, The I AM of Your Life and Being. There’s no one beside M-me.” S criptures: “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I AM God, and there’s no other; I AM God, and there’s none like Me.”  —Is 46:9 Jesus speaking: “If you love M-me, you’ll keep M-my Commands.”  —Jn 14:15 Jesus speaking: “I AM The Vine; you are The Branches. If you remain in M-me and I in you, you’ll bear much fruit; apart from M-me you can do nothing. —Jn 15:5 The fallen nature was crucified with Y-you, Jesus. It was annihilated forever and for all times, spaces, and places. Accordingly, it is no longer I (the fallen I, because he [or she] was nailed to the cross and died with Y-you) who lives but Y-you who lives and expresses Y-yourself for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously unveiled) AS me… AS me!!  —Ga 2:20 [expanded, pers

BP65: Prayers for Healing, Miracles, Consecration, and Divine Enablement

  Holy Trinity… In Your power, kill the devilish diseases within me; heal the wounds, injuries, and traumas I’ve sustained; dissolve or eliminate that which doesn’t belong; and raise to life or recreate that which is dead, damaged, or missing—or just asleep—but shouldn’t be. Heal my heart-mind, body, and personhood miraculously. Do that or show me how to do so myself. Either way, I’ll be eternally grateful to You and for You. O God… There’s residual hurt in my soul from the traumas I’ve suffered throughout my life. My reactive personas—which I created (on-the-fly and very early in life) to protect me from future harm and to “secure,” in almost any way possible, my emotional happiness—is killing me. Accordingly, let’s work together… 1/To heal me of the emotional, physical, and psycho-physical injuries that have plagued me for so long now. And… 2/To (when possible) heal and assimilate healthfully and healthily, or (when necessary) to dismantle, all such persona-constructs. Holy Papa a