BP65: Prayers for Healing, Miracles, Consecration, and Divine Enablement


Holy Trinity…

In Your power, kill the devilish diseases within me; heal the wounds, injuries, and traumas I’ve sustained; dissolve or eliminate that which doesn’t belong; and raise to life or recreate that which is dead, damaged, or missing—or just asleep—but shouldn’t be.

Heal my heart-mind, body, and personhood miraculously. Do that or show me how to do so myself. Either way, I’ll be eternally grateful to You and for You.

O God…

There’s residual hurt in my soul from the traumas I’ve suffered throughout my life. My reactive personas—which I created (on-the-fly and very early in life) to protect me from future harm and to “secure,” in almost any way possible, my emotional happiness—is killing me. Accordingly, let’s work together…

1/To heal me of the emotional, physical, and psycho-physical injuries that have plagued me for so long now.


2/To (when possible) heal and assimilate healthfully and healthily, or (when necessary) to dismantle, all such persona-constructs.

Holy Papa and Jesus…

May Your Spirit dwell within me richly. May He occupy and animate every cell in my body; course through every artery, capillary, and vein; inspire every thought and intention of my heart-mind; and move for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously unveiled) AS me in whatever ways and to whatever extents He desires.

Holy Spirit…

I give You free reign in my life. Do in me as You please, and give me the wisdom and gumption to, in complete freedom and faithfulness, do what I must do myself and for myself responsibly and responsively as My Papa’s Son [or Daughter] and as Jesus’ Baby Brother [or Sister].

I am Your Temple, O Holy, Glorious, and Gracious God. Raise me to fullness of life, light, love, as well as glory, goodness, and gladness; and move for, in, with, through, and (mysteriously unveiled) AS me to the praise of Your glory.

In Your Name, Lord Jesus, I ask for and declare all these things and no-things [life-giving expressions, generative creations]…

Amen, and AMEN!! O Living, Illuminating, and Loving God… MAY IT ALL BE SO!!


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