BP14: Ultimate Vulnerability: An Open Letter to a Friend
Greetings, friends... I first wrote this letter almost ten years ago. I wrote it to myself and to a few other people I was thinking of at the time. Have you ever written yourself a letter before? Maybe after reading this, you'll write something to your own heart that you need to hear. It is my fervent prayer that this letter speaks to you in some way. -- My dear friend… To discover who you are and what you’re about requires great humility and genuineness. It requires you to look at who you are without pretense or artificiality. Learning to live congruently (basically, in accordance with who you are and with what you’re about) also requires great humility and genuineness. Beyond that, it requires vulnerability, because it necessitates that you empty yourself of anything that’s not you or that doesn’t belong. In doing this, voids (of a sort) are created, or, rather, are revealed. And they must be filled. But they can’t be filled by you through an act of applied force of will...