
Showing posts from November, 2023

BP 30: A Poem Based in Psalm 32:3-5

  Verse 1 : When I kept silent and allowed the evilness dwelling illegally within me to eagerly plow and then seed-sow (with death) the fields of my heart, my frame grew old and, through long days of deep mourning, wasted within me. REFRAIN : O, Holy, Glorious, and Gracious God... in humility, I confessed to You that I had transgressed Your intentions and commands and that I had violated willfully the ancient order You set in-place. O Eternally Knowing, Loving, Living, and Forgiving One… because of Your great mercy and unfailing love, You washed me in You. And, because of You, I was made clean and whole again. In my current repose, my gratefulness to You knows no bounds. Verse 2 : Through each long day and every gut-wrenching twist and turn of night, Your open Hand of Guiding Mercies, though indeed burdensome, quite strangely weighed gloriously upon me. While the sweet juice of my vitality dried up, and my heart became like a parched land under the heat of a high sun (so tha...

BP29: Slaying the Dragon

In the martial arts, we train for several things. Among them, to be able to come to our or another's defense. The techniques we train in are for defense, not bullying. Any time we venture past defense, we tread a treacherous path. Yes, there are times when the dragon must be slayed. But even in such circumstances, we must take great care not just in our preparations for battle but during our recovery from it. The nature of warfare dictates that, at times, to slay the dragon, we must become a dragon. The danger is not so much in taking on the dragon persona to help us in our fight; the danger is found in, once we've completed our mission, not shedding "The Dragon" archetype. The dragon energy can be a precious ally in battle, but it's a terrible friend and a horrible master. The dragon can be very seductive; it takes tremendous internal fortitude to resist its alluring influences. If you don't drop the persona intentionally (and immediately),...

PDL - 2023-11-09

  Private  Daily Log Date:  2023-11-09 Day of the Week: Th Rest Day: N Time I Went to Bed Last Night:  2030 Time I Got Out of Bed this Morning:  0400 Sleep Time (hrs, last night - this morning): 7.5 Sleep Quality Factor (L/M/H):  H Nap Time (hrs, today): Nap Quality Factor (L/M/H): Weight (lbs, clothed [bed clothes], after 1st elimination): 169.4 BP (syst [mm hg]/diast [mm hg]): 114/79, N Resting HR (bpm): 63 Blood Oxygenation (%): 98 Eliminations: 1+1+1 Average Elimination Quality Factor (L/M/H): L  9a Happiness/Enthusiasm Factor (L/M/H): 2p Average Energy Factor (L/M/H): 9a Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  745p Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Headache Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Tinnitus Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight before 930a: Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight after 230p:   Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight between 930a and 230p:   Sinus Steamin...

PDL - 2023-11-08

  Private  Daily Log Date:  2023-11-08 Day of the Week: We Rest Day: Y Time I Went to Bed Last Night:  2100 Time I Got Out of Bed this Morning:  0200 Sleep Time (hrs, last night - this morning): 5 Sleep Quality Factor (L/M/H):  M Nap Time (hrs, today): Nap Quality Factor (L/M/H): Weight (lbs, clothed [bed clothes], after 1st elimination): 168.2 BP (syst [mm hg]/diast [mm hg]): 117/86, N Resting HR (bpm): 68 Blood Oxygenation (%): 98 Eliminations: 1+1 Average Elimination Quality Factor (L/M/H): L  9a Happiness/Enthusiasm Factor (L/M/H): 2p Average Energy Factor (L/M/H): 9a Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  745p Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Headache Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Tinnitus Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight before 930a: Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight after 230p:   Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight between 930a and 230p:   Sinus Steaming:...

PDL - 2023-11-07 (Dave's Eyes Only)

Private  Daily Log Date:  2023-11-07 Day of the Week: Tu Rest Day: Y Time I Went to Bed Last Night:  2100 Time I Got Out of Bed this Morning:  0500 Sleep Time (hrs, last night - this morning): 8 Sleep Quality Factor (L/M/H):  M Nap Time (hrs, today): Nap Quality Factor (L/M/H): Weight (lbs, clothed [bed clothes], after 1st elimination): 169.0 BP (syst [mm hg]/diast [mm hg]):  115/83, N Resting HR (bpm):  74 Blood Oxygenation (%): 98 Eliminations: 1+1 Average Elimination Quality Factor (L/M/H): L  9a Happiness/Enthusiasm Factor (L/M/H): 2p Average Energy Factor (L/M/H): 9a Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  745p Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Headache Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Tinnitus Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight before 930a: Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight after 230p:   Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight between 930a and 230p:   Sinus Steami...

BP28: Eliminating Your Subtle Aggressions Against Your Body

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of The Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. —1Co 6:19-20 Subtle : Challenging (or difficult) to understand or perceive. — Webster’s Aggressions : Hostile or destructive behaviors or attitudes. — Webster’s All of us sin. How much, though, do we consider the subtle aggressions we perpetrate (or sins we commit) each day (usually over and over) against our own bodies (and, ultimately, God)? These aggressions, which can sometimes be difficult to identify, produce a cumulative, negative effect. Look at beaches. One wave crashing upon a shore may exert little effect upon the beach landscape. Multiply that by millions upon millions of crashing waves over many centuries, and the beach will look considerably different. The Scriptures read, “It's the little foxes that ruin the vineyards” [ SS 2:15 ]. Little things, repeated over an...

PDL - 2023-11-06 - Private Daily Log (for Dave's Eyes Only)

Private  Daily Log Date:  2023-11-06 Day of the Week:  Monday Rest Day:  N Time I Went to Bed Last Night:  2030 Time I Got Out of Bed this Morning:  0100-0300 and then 0500 Sleep Time (hrs, last night - this morning):  7 Sleep Quality Factor (L/M/H):  M Nap Time (hrs, today): Nap Quality Factor (L/M/H): Weight (lbs, clothed [bed clothes], after 1st elimination):  167.8 BP (syst [mm hg]/diast [mm hg]): 121 /87, Normal Resting HR (bpm): 67   Blood Oxygenation (%):  99 Eliminations:  1+1+1 Average Elimination Quality Factor (L/M/H): H   9a Happiness/Enthusiasm Factor (L/M/H): H 2p Average Energy Factor (L/M/H): 9a Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na): Na  745p Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Pain/Tightness Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Headache Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Tinnitus Factor (L/M/H/Na):  Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight before 930a: Time (hrs) under Direct Sunlight after 230p:   Time (h...

BP27: A Prayer for Wholeness in My Environment

Lord Jesus Christ… Nearly everything around me has become polluted and been made toxic—literally. The air I breathe; the water I drink; the food I eat; and the environments in which I live, move, breathe, and experience my personhood [ beingness ] have all been affected deleteriously. I pray, O God, for Y-your protection. Help me to do my utmost to practice the most effective habits of health and well-being I can imagine, research, and implement. Give me wisdom, common sense, and discernment—and increased gumption!—to do and partake of only that which is good for me. In those arenas over which I have limited (or, even, zero) control, I ask Y-you for Y-your supernatural mercy, compassion, healing, protection, and intervention. Before I take a breath, please filter, cleanse, and enliven the air I breathe. As I live and move in the sunlight, please restore it to that which, once again, heals, nourishes, energizes, and strengthens me. Before I eat or drink anything, please bolster ...